3 Ways Your Dental Hygiene Should Change As You Age

As you get older, there are going to be a lot of things about your health that will change. The trick here is knowing what changes to expect and then being able to roll with the punches so that you can stay ahead of all these adjustments and bounce back if something takes you off guard.

One part of your health that you’ll want to be sure not to neglect is your dental health. So to help you with this, whether you’re in an assisted living facility or living on your own, here are three ways your dental hygiene should change as you age. 

Get A Comfortable Toothbrush

For many older people, issues with their hands and dexterity can make it hard to want to brush their teeth on a regular basis. It might feel uncomfortable or even painful to try to hold the same old toothbrushes that you’ve been using for years. So to make the act of brushing your teeth easier, getting a more comfortable toothbrush could be just what you need. 

If you have arthritis, getting a toothbrush with a larger handle could make holding the toothbrush more comfortable. You may also want to consider getting an electric toothbrush that can do a lot of the work of brushing for you so you don’t have to do all of those smaller movements in moving your toothbrush around. 

Find A Flossing Solution That Works For You

Along with having brushing be harder when your hands get older, flossing can also be a challenge if your hands don’t work as well as they once did.

To combat this, you should look into other flossing solutions that you may not have used in the past. In addition to different tools that you can use for doing more traditional flossing with a string, you may also want to look into getting a water flosser. Especially if you feel like your gums have gotten more sensitive with age, a water flosser could be a great solution for you. 

Know How To Alleviate Dry Mouth

Many older people find that they start to experience dry mouth as they get older. Because they may not be drinking as much water as they should or as they did in the past, dry mouth has a tendency of showing up in abundance for senior citizens.

To fight against this, you may want to look into solutions like cutting back on caffeine and stopping any tobacco use, chewing sugar-free gum, using a hydrating mouthwash, drinking water more regularly, and more. All of these things can help to keep your mouth from getting too dry and uncomfortable. 

If you want to be able to keep up with your changing dental needs as you age, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you with this.